Crafters Scissors: Tips for Caring for your Scissor Collection - Rachel The Turtle Journal

Crafters Scissors: Tips for Caring for your Scissor Collection


Tips for Crafters to Keep Their Tools in Top Shape. Hey all crafters and creators, scissors are more than just tools; they're an extension of our creative hands.

Whether slicing through fabric or shaping intricate paper designs, the right pair of scissors can make all the difference.


[I thought I had a scissor collection problem... after finding this beautiful photo... I think I'm good!]


Today, we’re focusing on the unsung heroes of our crafting toolkit – how to care for, clean, and cherish your scissors. Let's ensure they remain sharp, efficient, and ready for any crafting challenge!

Understanding Your Scissors

Types of Scissors:

There's a scissor for every task. Fabric scissors are typically heavier and designed to cut through textiles easily without fraying. Paper scissors are lighter and more precise, perfect for detailed paper work. Using fabric scissors on paper can dull them quickly, so it's important to use each type for its intended purpose.

Material Matters:

Most quality scissors are made from stainless steel, known for its durability and rust resistance. Understanding the material helps in proper care and maintenance.

Storing Your Scissors

Safe Storage Solutions:

Proper storage is key. A scissor block or wall magnet keeps them easily accessible yet safe. For those with limited space, protective sheaths or a dedicated drawer can work wonders.

Location, Location, Location:

Store your scissors in a dry place. Humidity can lead to rust, which is the nemesis of sharp blades. Avoid leaving them in damp areas or exposed to the elements.


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Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular Cleaning:

After each use, wipe the blades with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove debris. For sticky residues, a cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol works wonders. Always dry your scissors thoroughly.

Dealing with Rust:

If rust appears, gently rub the affected area with fine steel wool. For stubborn rust, consider a specialized rust remover, but be sure to read the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the scissors.


Periodically, apply a drop of sewing machine oil to the screw that joins the blades. This keeps the movement smooth and prevents wear and tear.

Do's and Don'ts:

Always cut materials suitable for your scissors. Avoid using your fabric scissors on paper or cardboard. Never force your scissors through a material that's too thick or tough.


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Your Tips for Care

We'd love to hear from you! Share your scissor care tips and tricks in the comments. Or better yet, show us how you organize and store your scissor collection. 

Your scissors are a vital part of your crafting arsenal. Treat them with respect and care, and they'll serve you well for years to come. Regular maintenance not only prolongs their life but also enhances your crafting experience. Keep them clean, sharp, and stored properly, and they'll be ready for whatever creative project comes next!

Happy crafting, and may your scissors always be sharp and ready!

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1 comment

Thanks for this!
I like to use eucalyptus oil to remove sticky bits from tape, etc.
I can also oil the screw holding the scissor blades at the same time, although sewing machine oil may be a better idea.
My other tips are: 1/ do not lose your scissors on a messy table
2/ do not accidentally throw out your scissors with your rubbish!


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